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Conditions    Headache/Migraines    Migraine / Headache

Migraine / Headache

There are many types of headaches, such as migraine, cluster headache and tension-type headache. From the treatment point of view, the headaches are divided into two major groups, primary and secondary. Primary headaches mean that there is not any significant underlying illness, and secondary headaches are the presentation of severe diseases such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Fortunately, the majority of headaches during pregnancy are primary headaches and benign in nature.

Treatment options
The pharmacological choices for headaches including simple analgesia with paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, beta-blockers and triptans. However, many patients would like to seek a non-pharmacological solution for chronic frequent attacks. 

Treatment objective
If the headache is present at the time of treatment, significant relief or complete resolution can be expected within 20 minutes. The severity and frequency of headaches should decrease significantly after the 1st treatment. The aim after the course of treatment is to make the headaches manageable with occasional paracetamol, though many are headache-free for a prolonged period.

Treatment protocol
Patients normally require 6 sessions to achieve maximum effects, which are 2 weeks of twice per week treatments and 2 weeks of weekly treatments. Another 2 treatments may be needed in a small percentage of patients. The protocol is subject to change according to patient conditions, especially the stage of pregnancy.

Acupuncture is a well-tolerated safe treatment. Patients experience pain less than intra-muscular injection and blood tests. However, patients may experience acupuncture-specific sensation, De Qi, which might feel like vague tingling and lasts seconds.

Bleeding and bruising rarely happen. Temporary nerve irritation or damage are theoretical risks, which haven’t been encountered in this treatment.

1st & 2nd - $250
3rd - 6th - $200

Medicare rebate - $105.55 x 6 = 633.30

* Patients may be eligible to get higher rebates if the Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) threshold is met. The total out-of-pocket cost may be as low as $134. Please contact Medicare regarding EMSN.